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Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms and Prevention

What is a UTI?
Before we discuss the symptoms of this condition, it is important that we know and define what the urinary tract is. The urinary tract simply comprises of the kidneys, the bladder, ureters and the urethra. An infection of the urinary tract can be an infection that affects either of the above mentioned parts. These infections are usually caused by bacteria or parasites. This is just the general term as there are different terms that are meant for the different parts of the urinary tract. Examples may include cystisis and ureter infection. Sometimes, areas that are not really associated with the urinary tract are sometimes mentioned when it comes to the discussion of UTI’s. This has to do with the fact that they may cause the UTI’s themselves.
It is said that this condition is more likely to affect women than it does men. It can also go unnoticed. There are mild cases where the patient might feel slight discomfort while they urinate. The worst case of a UTI can damage your internal organs pretty bad.
The symptoms that are associated with UTI’s vary according to a different number of factors. The age of the person, his/her sex and the exact location of the infection are what determine the kind of symptoms you are likely to experience.
In some people, the symptoms may be too mild for them to be felt and the infection can clear up by itself in less than a week; though not all the symptoms may clear up at once. The most common symptom is the need to urinate a lot. Aside from that a burning sensation is felt while you urinate. If looked at, the urine itself does not appear clear as it may be either cloudy or red in color hinting the presence of blood. The odor is also pungent and unpleasing.
In addition to that women will feel constantly bloated and have mild abdominal pains. If the urethra of the woman becomes infected than vaginal discharge may be present. Men on the other hand will also complain of the frequentness of which they have to visit the toilet. Accompanying that symptom is pain in the testicles, abdomen, penis and rectum.
When it comes to children suffering from UTI then the symptoms will be high fever, vomiting and pain. The pain will especially be felt as they urinate accompanied by the feeling of urgency. More often than not, when it comes to older people and babies, it becomes harder to isolate the infection and determine if it is the one causing the symptoms or if it is something else that they may be ailing from.
Water is a major component of our bodies but not only that as it can be used as a natural cleanser. To keep your urinary tract clean and flushed out, it is important that you drink plenty of water.
Avoid holding in your urine for long periods of time. This is because if there is any bacteria present in your urine it will have an opportune time to attach itself then develop into the infection.
When you clean yourself it is important that you use a front to back movement as this will ensure no bacteria from your anus will enter your vagina. 

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