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Dengue Fever and Its Symptoms

 This disease epidemic in many parts of the world and about 110 countries of the world have been affected by this disease.  This disease becomes a great concern of problems after the World War II. About 50 million to 100 million people are affected by this disease every year. Fortunately the death rate from this disease is pretty low. Death occurs due to the dengue hemorrhagic fever. This virus mainly acts on the platelets which play an important role in the stopping the bleeding.
They tremendously decrease the platelet count in the body resulting in the blood become thin. This thin blood become the cause of the low blood pressure and blood become so much thin that it may start to leak into the body.  All this leads to the dengue shock syndrome.  Dengue virus contains RNA nucleotide and it is of four types. If the person is infected with type one it become a life long immune to this type. Immunity with other type also attains but for very brief or a small period of time.
If the person is infected with another type of dengue virus it may lead to life threatening complications. The biggest problem about this virus is that still not a single vaccine is available in the market. Research is going on to prepare an effective vaccine against this disease. Medicine is there but not any effective one is there. The mood of transmission of this virus is through arthropods which include ticks and mosquitoes.  As it is transmitted through the arthropods so it is called as an arthropod born virus. It is primarily transmitted by the mosquitoes. In mosquitoes the Aedes family is the main carrier of the disease and particularly the A. Egyptian is the main source of transmitting the disease. Dengue virus is caused by the female mosquito and male mosquitoes do not source or carrier of the dengue virus. Recently Pakistan is the most affected countries from this virus. In 2009 this virus attacks the Srilanka pretty badly and hundred of people died from this disease.

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