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23 March 1940 in Asia

First of all the question is that what is the meaning of the 23 march 1940? 23 March is a normal day for the people of the world except Muslims of the Pakistan. It is the resolution day of the Pakistan. It is also known as the Lahore resolution but commonly known as the Pakistan resolution. This resolution was made basically on 22-24 March in 1940. In this resolution the great leader of the Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam announced that we will fight for the separate country with the British and Hindus. In this resolution many leaders of the Muslim league participate.
This crowd was gathered in the park which is now a day known as the Mina ray Pakistan. It is also known as the Iqbal Park on the name of the Allama iqbal. This resolution was basically presented by the A.K Fuzlul Huq and then stated by the Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. Why this resolution was important for the Pakistanis? The answer is that because Muslims want their own country to live with peace. In this resolution they clearly talk about this issue and announced that we will get our right from the other two powers in this continent. The park was also known as the Minto Park. The welcome address in this crowd was made by the leader of the Muslim league in the Punjab Nawab Sir Shah Nawaz. Before this event Quaid was the leader of the Congress but after this event he completely developed himself for the Muslim League. I this resolution the annual report was presented by theLiquate Ali khan then it is further preceded by the A.K Fazlul Huq (chief minister of the Bengal). After this it is further preceded by the Choudhury khaliquzzaman, he gave his view about this resolution. The main text of this resolution was signed on 24 but it is not the correct date. Basically it was signed on 23 March 1940. The result of this resolution was very good because this resolution became the part of the Muslim League constitution. This resolution was first passed by the assembly of the Sindh. To kept this resolution in minds Government of Pakistan made the Minar-e-Pakistan at that part where this resolution was delivered. At the end I will only say that it is a very important day in the history of Pakistan and all the Muslims especially the Pakistanis cannot forget about it because it is the Pakistan resolution day.

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