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How to take Patients History

Patients History.
Name: ABC        
Address: ABC
Age: x
Sex: x
Marital Status: x
Occupation: x
Religion: x
 Chief Complaint
The patient came in the emergency with complaint of high grade fever 102*F to 104*F and general body ache from last 4 days. He also vomited 4 to 6 times in last two days but he didn’t see any blood. Due to the body ache he is not stand in any position; swear body painand neck pain.
History of the patient’s illness
  The symptoms started to appear gradually about 5 days back when he returned from work, at first the patient experienced body fatigue with mild fever, next came general body ache with vomiting.                                                                       The patient told he had never had such high fever before. The patient had no idea what caused this condition. As the patient was experiencing this situation for the first time he was not sure of the aggravating or alleviating factors of the problem.
Past History
 On asking the patient and his mother told that he had no major childhood illness. As the patient’s family is illiterate he had never been vaccinated and never experienced any allergies or reaction to any medicine. He had never been hospitalized before and is not using any type of prescribed drugs.
Family history & illness
The patient has 9 siblings (7 sisters and 2 brothers) and 2 patents alive. No record of past illness is present but patients elder brother had the same signs & symptoms before him and was diagnosed with dengue fever. Other than that the patient’s family has no history of a major disease or illness.
Patient does not smoke, , illicit drugs or recreational drugs. He informed that he takes three meals balanced diet daily and drinks plenty of water. Patient’s mother told that they are not getting clean water so they bring clean water form a different source.                                                                                                               Patients sleep and rest pattern is not altered, he sleeps around 8pm and wakes up at 6 am in the morning. Daily activities include going to work and coming back home.

What is Enzymes Kits

Enzymatic Kits:
Reagent kits (for the quantitative determination of serum 25-OH vitamin D, Alkaline Phosphatase and calcium) will be purchased from market.
These will be divided into three groups with fifty subjects in each group. First group will contain 50 healthy volunteer subjects (as control) with no current disease symptoms and medical history of arthritis or joints pain. Second group will contain 50 patients with clinically diagnosed and established Rheumatoid arthritis while third group will contain 50 patients with confirmed Gout.
Experimental design:
150 subjects will be divided into three groups.
  Sr.#          Groups         No. of subjects              Disease condition
1                   A                       50              Healthy (Controls)
2                   B                       50              Rheumatoid arthritis
3                   C                       50              Gout
Estimation of 25-OH vitamin D:
The IDS 25-hydroxy vitamin D kit is an enzyme immunoassay for the quantitation of 25-OH D andotherhydroxylated metabolites in serum or plasma. Calibrators, controls and samples are diluted with Biotin labeled 25-OH D. the diluted samples are incubated in microtitre wells which are coated with a highly specipic sheep 25-OH D antibodies for 2 hours at room temperature before aspiration and washing. Enzyme (horseradish peroxidase) labeled avidin, is added and binds selectively to complexed biotin and, following a further wash step, colour is developed using a chromogenic substrate (TMB).The absorbance of stopped reaction mixtures are read in a microtitre plate reader, colour intensity developed being inversely proportional to the concentration of 25-OH D. (Hyponen et al 2007)
Estimation of Alkaline Phosphatase:
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) hydrolyzes p-nitrophenyl phosphate into p-nitrophenol and phosphate. The rate at which p-nitrophenol is formed is directly proportional to alkaline phosphatase activity. (tietz et al 1983 )
        p-nitophenyl phosphate + H2O                     ALP            phosphate + p-nitrophenol
Estimation of serum calcium
Breuer & Breuer diagnostic kit (Germany) to measure serum calcium will be used. Cresolphthalein complex one reacts with calcium ion in alkaline medium forming a red violet colour. Interference by magnesium is eliminated by addition of 8-hydroxyquinoline. Absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration of calcium in serum. (Baginski et al 1973)

Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Respiratory syncytial virus causes mild respiratory infections such as colds and coughs in adults and severe pulmonary diseases in children e.g. Pneumonia and bronchitis.
            Belongs to paramyxovirus family
            Prototype of pneumovirus genus of Pneumoviridae family
Respiratory syncytial virus causes mild respiratory infections such as colds and coughs in adults and severe pulmonary diseases in children e.g. Pneumonia and bronchitis.
            Belongs to paramyxovirus family
            Prototype of pneumovirus genus of Pneumoviridae family
Shape of RSV
Single RNA and helical nucleocapsid
Negative polarity
15 kb genome
Comprises of total 10 genes
Gene structure:
3̒-        NS1-NS2-N-P-M-SH-G-F-M2-L-5̒
            11 viral protein are encoded by:
N: nucleoprotein
P: phosphoprotein
L: RNA polymerase
M2: regulatory proteins:
NS1 and NS2 mediate resistance to interferon induced cellular antiviral responses.
Virus envelop contains:
M: internal matrix protein
SH: small hydrophobic protein
G: presumed attachment protein
F: fusion protein
F and G represent mahor targets for neutralizing antibodies/
Fusion proteins form surface spikes and cause the cells to fuse forming multinucleated giant cell called syncytia.
Incubation period: 3-6 days
Virus enters via oral and nasal pathways
Spread along epithelium of the respiratory tract, moving to lower tract may cause pneumonia or bronchitis.
In bronchitis, peribronchiolar inflammation with lymphocytes occurs.
In pneumonia, infiltration of intestinal cells with mononuclear cells is seen.
Inflammation of Bronchiole
Severe RSV disease develops in infants with high level of passive maternal antibodies. Maternal antibodies-RSV complex is formed.
Particular concern with premature babies who lack maturity and protective antibodies.
RSV immunity is assoctoiated to little or non-detectable interferon in nasopharyngeal secretions.
Continuous solid level of antibodies is required.
Vaccine produced was more lethal.
IgG appears in 2nd week of infection.
IgA is not found in infants.
IgM is transitory.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Clinical Findings:
In infants, RSV is an important cause of lower respiratory tract diseases such as bronchiolitis and Pneumonia.
RSV is also an important cause of otitis media in young children.
In older children and adults, RSV causes upper respiratory tract infections that resemble the common cold.
  Laboratory Diagnosis:
The presence of virus can be detected rapidly by:
Immunofluorescence on smears of respiratory epithelium.
Isolation in cell culture.
Rise in antibody titer of at least 4-fold is also diagnostic.
Aerosolized ribavirin (Virazole) is recommended for severely ill hospitalized infants, but there is uncertainty regarding its effectiveness.
A combination of ribavirin and hyper immune globulins against RSV may be more effective.
Aerosolized ribavirin (Virazole) is recommended for severely ill hospitalized infants, but there is uncertainty regarding its effectiveness.
A combination of ribavirin and hyperimmune globulins against RSV may be more effective.
There is no Vaccine.
Hyperimmune globulins are also available for prophylaxis in these infants.
Nosocomial outbreaks can be limited by hand washing and use of gloves.

How to Increase Breast Milk Production in Cows

How to increase milk production? This is one of the most common questions that many mothers have during their breastfeeding period. There are several options you have to increase your breast milk production.
One option is equalizing demand to the supply. If you can empty your breast every 2-3 hours a day, your breast milk production will dramatically increase. As a solution, you can use a hospital grade pump to increase your milk production.
Drinking more water also helps to increase the milk production. It is more important to refill fluids lost during breast feeding. Some says that drinking beer increases the milk production. How to increase milk production by drinking a beer?  It is not good for the baby. Drinking beer can reduce the milk production because breast milk flavored with alcohol can be refused by the baby. When the baby does not go to breast feed often, less breast stimulation will occur and it will cause to decrease the milk production.
Soda and coffee are also not good for breast feeding mothers. Caffeine is the main ingredients of those drinks. This ingredient is not good for mothers as well as for babies. Caffeine can remain in the system of the baby much longer time. Therefore do not take drinks with caffeine frequently. 
Milk production can be increased by adapting to certain food habits. Breast milk production is not often associated with a particular food item. But your food habit is a key component to increase your breast milk production. Some breast feeding mothers do not care much about their meals. Some mothers reduce the foods they take to lose their weights and some reduce taking foods with the aim of taking their previous body shape. This is too bad for breast milk production because foods you take provide a great contribution on milk production. Foods such as Brown rice, Beet, Avocados, Carrots, Barley, Dulse, Kombu are much suitable for breast feeding mothers. These foods contain vitamins and other nutrition that provide great support for milk production.
If you are a mother who search for how to increase milk production, these tips will really help you to increase your breast milk production. Therefore drink more water, take good meals every time and avoid taking alcoholic beverages and drinks that contain caffeine. Also do breast pumping if necessary. If you follow these simple steps, it is quite sure that you can increase your breast milk production. 

Here аrе places tо gеt help fоr patient’s wіth а narcotic problem

SAMHSA: Substance Abuse аnd Mental Health Services Association: Тhіs іs а wonderful site thаt соntаіns mаnу topics fоr thе public аnd professionals. Тhе government brochures thеу provide cover аll areas оf substance abuse. Prevention, treatment, аnd relapse topics аrе fоund hеrе. Іt іs аn invaluable resource fоr patients аnd professionals lооkіng fоr training аnd help wіth substance dependence. Іt іs аlsо good fоr families аnd friends lооkіng tо find drug fact іnfоrmаtіоn. Тhеіr web site саn bе fоund аt
Al-Anon Family Groups: Тhіs organization sауs thеу provide "strength аnd hope fоr friends аnd families оf problem drinkers." Маnу wіth narcotic problems аlsо hаvе drinking problems. Аlthоugh thіs organization helps people enmeshed wіth problem drinkers, thеіr support groups аrе sо helpful, thаt thеу shоuld bе usеd bу families оf thоsе whо hаvе dual addictions. Іf уоur loved оnе оnlу hаs problems wіth pain pills, thеу саn direct уоu tо а good local support group. Тhеіr format іs sіmіlаr tо 12 step programs whеrе thеу sit іn groups. Тhеіr official site саn bе fоund:
NIDA:National Institute оn Drug Abuse covers аll thе "Science оf Drug Abuse аnd Addiction." Тhеу аrе а complete source fоr drug аnd alcohol usе іnfоrmаtіоn. Тhеіr agency соntаіns scientific іnfоrmаtіоn оn аll drugs оf abuse; аnd mass distribution pamphlets оn numerous drugs оf abuse; аlоng wіth thе latest rеsеаrсh аnd meetings.
Your local mental health authority. Еасh community hаs thеіr оwn programs fоr drug addiction. Yоu саn lооk іn thе Yellow Раgеs оr online аnd dо а search fоr уоu local bу lооkіng uр "community mental health" аnd уоur city аnd stаtе. Тhеsе local organizations hаvе thеіr оwn programs fоr drug abuse treatment. Іn addition, thеу аrе familiar wіth thе resources аnd health care professionals іn thе community thаt provide drug abuse treatment.

Adrenaline (C9H13NO3)

Adrenaline is a natural stimulant made in the adrenal gland of the kidney. Its biological name is epinephrine, from the Greek “nephros” for kidney. Adrenaline is carried in the bloodstream and affects the autonomous nervous system, which controls functions such as the heart rate, dilation of the pupils, and secretion of sweat and saliva.
Adrenaline is a chemical that narrows blood vessels and opens airways in the lungs. These effects can reverse severe low blood pressure, wheezing, severe skin itching, hives, and other symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Frequently used to aid in weaning off bypass due to its potent b1 stimulation
•          Bradycardia [heart blocks] & cardiac arrest
•          Ventricular dysfunction, vasodilatation, bronchoconstriction, anaphylaxis
•          Drug of 1st choice in anaphylactic shock as:
i) Vasopressor; elevates systolic BP due to:
a) Positive inotropic & chronotropic cardiac effect [b1-receptors]
b) Vasoconstriction [a-receptors]
ii) Antihistamine action
iii) Bronchodilator [b2-receptors]
Side Effects:
Common side effects include agitation , increased heart rate, sweating, sleeplessness, fatigue, dizziness, hallucinations, impaired memory, weakness, disorientation, breathlessness, reddening of the skin and face, cold fingers and toes, increase blood sugar levels and raised blood pressure.
•     Adrenaline is only for subcutaneous or intramuscular use. It is not an intravenous drug.
•     It’s essential that patients understand how, when and where to give themselves an adrenaline injection.
•     Do not use if the injection is brown or contains a precipitate.
•     The adrenaline is supplied as a single use prefilled syringe. After using the drug, discard the syringe with any remaining solution.
•     It’s pertinent that patients seek medical advice soon after administering an adrenaline injection so that patient is monitored.
•     Adrenaline should be stored in the dark and below 25 degrees; however, it should not be refrigerated.
0.1 – 0.3mL/kg/dose
Intravenous infusion:
To be further diluted (see Preparation section)
Initially 0.1microgram/kg/minute, increasing to a maximum of
Endotracheal tube:
0.1 – 0.3mL/kg/dose
For ease of calculation in an acute resuscitation a dose of 1mL may be given
In a term infant and 0.5mL in a preterm infant. Repeated doses may be required.
Using Respirator Solution
Using 1 in 1000 ampoule only
Dilute to 2-4mL with saline.
Routes of Administration:
•     Intravenous injection
•     Intravenous infusion
•     Umbilical arterial/venous injection
•     Nebulization
Method of administration
•     1:1000 (1mg/ml) or 1:10,000 (1mg/10ml)
•     May be made up: 10mg/500 ml
•     Continuous infusion e.g. 0.05 1g/Kg/min
•     Barrett
•     Dosaco
•     Elite
•     HSC
•     MBL
•     Opth-Pharma
•     Orient
•     PDH
•     Shifa
Toxicity of Adrenaline:
•     Arrhythmias
•     Elevated BP with secondary: cerebral hemorrhage; pulmonary edema
•     Increased myocardial work load
•     Extravasations into subcutaneous tissues may cause local ischemia
•     Vasoconstriction
•     Tachycardia, hypertension, tremor, cold extremities, agitation
•     Severe hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, pulmonary edema and cerebral hemorrhage.

Clobevate cream

Clobevate cream / Ointment contain Clobevate Propionate USP 0.05% w/w.
Topical use for relief of the inflammatory and pruritic which is of particular value when used in short courses for the treatment of more resistant dermatosis such as: Psoriasis.
Apply to the affected area 1-2 times daily or as prescribed by the physician. The treatment should not be continuing for more than 2 weeks.
Patients with known hypersensitivity to Clobevate propionate or to any other ingredient in the product should not use.
Avoid contact with eyes, mouth and other mucous membranes. Limit use in children or on face to maximum 5 days.

Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy & Practice

Clinical pharmacy practice
Clinical Pharmacy is a health specialty, which describes the activities and services of the clinical pharmacist to develop and promote the rational and appropriate use of medicinal products and devices.
The practice of clinical pharmacy aims to help maximize drug efficacy, minimize drug toxicity and promote cost-effectiveness. In order to achieve this, pharmacist require to work as fully integrated members of the health care team. Both as team members and members of their own professional body, pharmacists arc accountable to patients for the services, which they provide.
Activities of a Clinical Pharmacist
The activity of a clinical pharmacist may be carried out in different areas, which may give way to different specialties,
CONSULTING: Analyzing therapies, advising health care practitioners on the appropriateness of drug therapy and providing pharmaceutical care to patients both at hospital and at community level.
DRUG SELECTION: Defining “drug formularies” or “limited lists of drugs” in collaboration with hospital doctors, general practitioners and other decision makers.
DRUG INFORMATION; Seeking information and critically evaluating scientific literature; organizing information services for both the health care practitioners and the patients.
FORMULATION AND PREPARATION OF MEDICINAL PRODUCTS AND DEVICES: According to acceptable standards to meet specific needs of patients.
DRUG USE STUDIES / PHARMACOEP1DEMIOLOGY: Analyzing prescribing patterns and drug effectiveness both in hospital and in the community.
PHARMACO VIGILANCE; Monitoring drug safety collecting and distributing information on adverse events and adverse drug reactions.            
PHARMACOECONOMICS; Compare treatment strategies in terms of their cost and their effectiveness.
PHARMACOKINET1CS/ THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING: Studying the kinetics of drugs and optimizing the dosage.
CLINICAL TRIALS: Planning, evaluating and participating in clinical trials.
Studying and developing systems for the dispensing and administration of medicinal products and devices that can guarantee a higher security in administration, a reduction of expenditure and a reduction in medication errors.
PRE- AND POST-GRADUATED TEACHING AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES; Providing training and education programs for pharmacists and other health care practitioners.
pharmaceutical care plan
Hepler and Strand, in their 1990’s article, “Opportunities and responsibilities in pharmaceutical care”, defined pharmaceutical care as the “responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite outcome that improve a patient’s quality of life”

Communicable Diseases

The ability of a microorganism to cause disease is called pathogenicity. There are several pathogens that can cause serious harm or even immediate death.
Invasion and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the body is called an infection. When we are infected by pathogens we become sick, which means that our bodies stop functioning properly. Infectious agents, such as bacteria, a virus, fungi or protozoa causecommunicable diseases. Communicable diseases can be spread from one person to another.
Infection transmission
All living organisms have a natural or acquired resistance mechanism called immunity. When we get sick, for example, we use different body cells and chemicals to fight bacteria. Bacteria in their turn use different chemicals to fight us. That is why infection is sometimes referred to as a race between pathogen and host organism. The infection can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact.
Direct contact transmission - involves any direct contact with an infected individual. Infection can be passed in water droplets through a sneeze, cough, laugh or exhalation and through bodily fluids. Most communicable diseases like colds, influenza, tuberculosis and HIV are spread from person to person through infected fluid droplets.
Indirect contact transmission - is a method of spreading infection from person to person that involves contact with a contaminated object. Objects can become contaminated when touched by someone with an infection. The infected object is called a fomite.
Another form of infection transmission through indirect contact is through the oral-feacal route, which usually involves ingesting contaminated water.
A third method of indirect contact involves vector-borne diseases, which are carried by animals and insects. A vector is an organism that serves as a ’go-between’ in the transmission of a host-to-host disease.
Examples of diseases that can be transmitted via indirect contact are cholera, Salmonellosis and dysentery.
Types of pathogens
Natural or human-triggered changes in the environment might upset the natural balance between living organisms. These new environmental conditions may encourage pathogens, allowing them to multiply rapidly and increase the risk of exposing humans who share that environment. Here are the main groups of human pathogens with some examples of the diseases they cause.
E.coli causes food poisoning and urinary tract infections.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes tuberculosis.
Influenza virus causes ’flu’.
Herpes simplex virus causes herpes.
Plasmodium causes malaria.
Tinea causes ringworm.
See animation 1.
Epidemiology is the study of the patterns, causes and prevention of human diseases. An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely is called an epidemic. An epidemic occurring over a very large area is called a pandemic. The term ’epidemiologic triangle’ is used to describe the intersection of host, agent and environment in analysing an outbreak.
The prevalence of a disease is the number of diseased individuals at any one time (point prevalence) or over a given period (period prevalence). The incidence is the number of new cases of a disease that occur within a defined population over an established period of time.
History of epidemics
The influenza (virus-caused) pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than World War I. It is considered the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351.
Bubonic plague is caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis. These bacteria live in fleas on rats. Rats were abundant in medieval times due to very low hygiene standards, and the lack of sewage systems and hot, running water. Bubonic plague killed about a quarter of the European population of that time. Today this disease can be controlled by antibiotics but outbreaks sill occur sometimes. See image 3.
Prevention of infections
The best way of fighting disease is to prevent it. The discovery and manufacture of antibiotics and vaccines in the early part of the 20th century have changed the state of people’s health forever. There are three stages of prevention of infections: primary, secondary and tertiary.
The Primary stage - involves public education about infectious diseases.
The Secondary stage - involves treating the actual infection that has already occurred by quarantining and/or vaccinating of infected individuals.
The Tertiary stage - involves the recovery from illness.

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet

The Japanese physician Hakaru Hashimoto was first described Hashimoto S Thyroidities Diet in 1912. This is also recognized as chronic lymphocytic thyroidities. Hashimoto’s thyroidities disease causes swelling of your thyroid. This disease is an auto-immune sickness. That is way it causes your body to bother its own tissue. Antibodies are completed by white corpuscles to fight infections and germs. With Hashimoto S Thyroidities the immune system erroneously attacks the thyroid to source tissue damage and inflammation. However in Hashimoto’s auto-antibodies are prepared by white blood corpuscles and emerge in the bloodstream. This disease progresses steadily and reason chronic thyroid injure. The consequence in an infiltration of immune corpuscles is into your thyroid gland with injuring to the thyroid tissue. The illness is life-long. The correct treatment, exercise and healthy nourishment can be managed efficiently. Frequently, Hashimoto S Thyroidities Diet is calm and can go invisible for a number of years or months. In United States Hashimoto’s illness is the most familiar reason of primary hypothyroidism. In this disease women are more affected than men. The ratio of the women and men is consequently 8:1. It is most common in the age of 30-50 years. In the United States 15 million women are affects Hashimoto’s Thyroidities. This is presenting in the middle age of women. This illness is more familiar in those persons with a record of thyroid sickness, other auto-immune circumstances or other endocrine confusion. The exact reason of Hashimoto’s illness is unidentified. A mixture of factor such as age, gender and heredity can supply to the improvement of this disease. Immune corpuscles penetrate the thyroid gland and influence thyroid implementation.
Depending on the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease there are two tests. One is Hormone tests and the other is Antibody test. Hormone test can be defined as this blood check is able to verify the amount of hormones formed by the pituitary and thyroid glands. On other hand, Antibody test can be defined as this blood check is aimed at ruling thyroid antibodies in the blood. The beginning of Hashimoto S Thyroidites diet is dangerous and slow, with slow succession over time. The signs of this disease are initially mild and sometimes barely perceptible. Hashimoto’s generally involves a steady and slow damage of the thyroid gland ultimately resulting in the thyroid incapable to produce enough thyroid hormone. This is significant that numerous people with early Hashimoto’s are not still conscious of the problem because they do not have any symptom of hypothyroidism.

Multi-level Marketing Companies.

This adds flexibility to your business. It also protects you. However, the quality companies always help you succeed. This allows you to make money all day. The third key to consider is how much you must pay these companies. This training enables you to take your game to the next level. The best products are those that people do not need to see or test before they buy. Owning your own website creates many options for your business. You should only sell products that have inherent value. Find companies that show you how to be a successful marketer. Some are in it for the money. You may decide to work with another company. This allows you to have greater flexibility as your business increases or decreases. You will be utilizing the power of the internet. The money involved should never be the focus. First, you should consider the support and education that companies offer. These keys will provide you with a successful marketing career You should look for these four keys as you search for the best multi-level marketing companies. In other words, find multi-level marketing products that you can use to save money in everyday purchases. Multi-level marketing companies come in many shapes and sizes. This is critical if you are new to multi-level marketing. Many companies go out of business every day. Last, multi-level marketing companies should provide you with a website. You should evaluate the education they offer, evaluate their products, and evaluate the cost involved. Also, you should find products that sell extremely well online. Powerful tools are in your hands when you find opportunities that save you money and make you. We will examine four keys evidenced by the best multi-level marketing companies. The best multi-level marketing companies have options for those who only have fifty dollars to invest. Secondly, the best multi-level marketing companies offer awesome products. This is the only way the company can succeed. They should also have options for those who have several thousand dollars to invest. Find a leading company first. You need to know how to market the product. If you have your own website, you will be able to find and market other products. It should be a site that you own. The right products are those that save you money and make you money. You make money from the sales that they make. It can also help those who are already working in these types of opportunities. You also have the opportunity to recruit others. 

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Valentine Day Sms 2013

Valentine has become one of the greatest days of the year like New Year, or any special day like eid, Easter etc.  Valentine day is day for lovers; in this day lover again re affirm their passionate love towards each other. They exchange different things with their love one like chocolate, candies, jeweler and any other thing but one thing always with these thing and it is the red rose flower, but now the traditions have been changing one more thing is mandatory for the lovers and it is the sms through which lover wish each other valentine day and all the traditional things are after the sms has been exchanged. The sms send by the lover to each other are here is my heart, take it and please treat it gently and my heart is full of love and stay it close to your self always and don’t break it.
Your love is like a river peaceful and deep,
Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep,
When I look into your eyes I know its true,
You were made for me and I for you
This sms is my favorite valentine day sms and I think that it is one the most meaning ful sms to re affirm your love to your lovers and different kind of other sms are also send by the lovers to each other.

Current Political Condition of America

America is the world soul super power any turmoil in America will affect the world badly because he is the soul super power in technology economy and in the military as well. The American government is difficult situation at this moment, there is debate going on in and outside of the America that American government is going to be defaulted. Democratic and republican are not agreeing on any decision on this issue. American government is engage in the war on terror front and they are fighting against the terrorist in Afghanistan.
They name this war as battle against evil. People are shouting against the heavy tax burden and start raising their voices to decrease the tax rate. President obama is on he lowest node of the popularity as he promised with people of change and change is not seen any where.  Recently senate majority leader come on the stage and warn  his college that he will cut the holiday of them if they don’t do their work properly. Minnesota state has laid of 22,000 state workers from their jobs and in the last week people were on the streets against the increase in the rate of unemployment.